To match the 3Cs of the curriculum statement we have some golden threads running throughout the planning and delivering of the primary curriculum planning, 这两种方法都是通过对关键知识和概念的刻意排练来确保进入长期记忆, 同时也要确保我们的日常实践符合信托的宗旨.
这一切都以绿洲的愿景、精神和9个习惯为基础. 我们的 文化政策 也嵌入到我们课程的各个领域, 包括英国价值观和个人发展.
作为公司文化和精神的一部分,个人发展是我们公司的基础. It is critical that we are constantly exploring who we are and how we are growing and changing to enhance the learning and maximise the potential of the children and young people in our communities. 个人发展是确保孩子健康成长的关键, 快乐的年轻人.
结果是, PHSCE, 职业生涯, 上下文相关的维护, 行为, 性格发展, 身心健康, 和行为被分组在一起,并通过我们的个人发展课程提供. 我们的 Personal Development curriculum is split into two key strands to enable this to happen; our explicit and implicit strands.
我们的PSHE/RSE课程是我们明确的线索. We call this Personal Development and is timetabled explicitly to ensure that all students learn key knowledge and skills that will support them in making excellent choices for their future and to understand the world around them particularly in relation to their social and societal interactions. 了解更多关于PSHE/RSE的信息, 请在我们的课程结构页面上访问这个主题来查看课程, 为家长提供咨询和资源.
我们的隐性链是职业指导,丰富和课外活动. 这些都是通过课程的不同领域和一天的不同时间编织的元素. All students will benefit from our rich programme which enable them to develop a thirst for enthusiasm about many different elements of school. 了解更多全球十大赌钱排行app职业指导的信息, 丰富和课外活动, 请点击侧面标签.
- 每周个人发展课程
- 程序集
- 我们的导师学习计划
- 行为的庆祝活动
- 性格是贯穿我们课程的一条金线
- 上下文相关的维护
- 链接到科学、可再生能源和体育
- 我们的学习行为政策
- 相关的旅行和课外活动.
这是我们缩小学习劣势差距的举措之一, we rolled out 绿洲的视野 in 2020-2021; every child from Reception to sixth form was given their very own iPad for use at school and at home. These iPad have become part of everyday life here at 绿洲 as our pupils use them throughout their school day and interact with their teachers through specially chosen teaching and learning apps. 您可以通过访问我们的“全球十大赌钱排行app”部分了解更多关于地平线的信息.